
These are my posts about Lichens.

Posts are added, newest at top.
If you would like me to take you on a short lichens walk near Settle do contact me. Happy to show people in / near Settle the lichens in their garden.

  1. Settle Wildflowers 132a: Down the Ribble on 30 May SD8163: Lichens incl Xanthoria calcicola

  2. Settle Wildflowers 131: 26 May 2024: Mitchell Lane into SD8262 - Good King Henry, then climbing the hil plus lichens

  3. Halton Gill Bryophytes and Lichens - YNU walk 11 May

  4. SD8460 Langber: Last monad of year 5 of Lichen Survey of SD86

  5. Lichens at St John's Park Church, Sheffield 2 March 2024

  6. Lichens at Cober Hill BLS Winter Meeting Feb 2024

  7. Lichens and Mosses at Whitbarrow Cumbria Feb 2024

  8. Newstead Abbey lichens at BLS 2024 AGM Nottingham field trip - Halecania viridescens Jan

  9. Candelariella reflexa and Candelariella xanthostigma and C xanthostigmoides Jan 2024

  10. Happy Christmas - White lichens and Purple Crystalwort beside the Ribble Dec 2024

  11. Edith's Wood: Visit by group from Craven Conservation Group in October 2023 (not brilliant for lichens)

  12. Climate Walk and Lichens on Swindale Ridge on 2 Sept 2023 -  before Wild Haweswater Talk by Lee Schofield on 21 Sept.

  13. Lichens at The Yorkshire Arboretum September 2023

  14. Old Garden Wall - Preston Montford Field Centre - Day 3 Late Afternoon of British Lichen Society field Meeting in Shropshire  July 2023

  15. Jonathon's Hollow, Long Mynd - Day 3 of British Lichen Society Field Meeting in Shropshire 

  16. Nipstone Rock, Day 2 Afternoon of the British Lichen Society field meeting in Shropshire

  17. The Bog Mine, Day 2 Morning of the British Lichen Society field meeting in Shropshire

  18. Titterstone Clee Hill Quarry - Day1 - Afternoon of British Lichen Society Field Meeting in Shropshire - Acarospora smaragdula, Sterocaulon pileatum

  19. Titterstone Clee Hill Boulder Slope - Day 1 Morning of British Lichen Society Field Meeting in Shropshire July 2023

  20. 29 June 2023 Thursday: Evening flowers at Lower Winskill, and Fuscidea cyathoides and Pertusaria pseudocorallina in SD8366: 30 Days Wild and stats for my best monads

  21. 22 June 2023- Thursday - Yet more lichens along Langcliffe High Road Caloplaca ochracea 30 Days Wild

  22. 19 June 2023 Monday - More lichens in SD8264 - in Langcliffe - 30 Days Wild -Top of walled  footpath from main road down towards Railway  footbridge June 2023

  23. 16 June 2023 Friday- Higher views down to Langcliffe & Settle - More Lichens - 30 Days Wild - Lecanora crenulata

  24. 11b June 2023: Open Farm Sunday at Cappleside Farm, Rathmell SD75 and Pertusaria pertusa - 30 Days Wild

  25. 08 June 2023 - Langcliffe Hillside SD8264 - Looking down to Settle - Petractis clausa - 30 Days Wild

  26. Lichens of Moffat and Southern Uplands - BLS Spring Field Week 2023 April 2023

  27. SD8362 - High Hill Lane near Scaleber Foss - Lichens SD86 - End of year 4 Review of stats after four years recording SD86 -good April 2023

  28. First Blue Moor-grass of the year -  & Do my recordings show the distribution of carparks? Hymenelia sp of lichen

  29.  Veb 2023 SD86 - 13 - SD8163 - Children's Play area, Settle - Hyperphyscia-adglutinata and Paranectria oropensis on Hornbeam - new records for SD86   11 Feb 2023

  30.  1st Day of the month Climate Walk: Cliostemum griffithii, Peltigera praetextat and Dawyck Lichen Safari book   1 Dec 2022

  31. Increase in Peltigera hymenina at Low Bentham Churchyard  Nov 2022

  32. Trapelia placodioides at Giggleswick Church wall    Sept 2022

  33. Ochrolechia androgyna and Ochrolechia tartarea on Rathmell Common   1 Sept 2022

  34. What do we find at Hampton and Puttenham Common, Surrey, with the British Lichen Society?  20  August 2022

  35. Settle Eco-Explorers 2022 at Lower Winskill - including Lichen and Wildflower Walk   17 Aug 2022 

  36. "Lichens for all trip" at Settle - SD8064 -Craven Bank - with AP, Sk, LK.- Part 1 on Gritstone 6 Aug 2022 Saw 10 new species for me and my hectad. this day 

  37. Last part includes some lichens at Millport, Cumbrae 24 June 2022 

  38. More at Embsay churchyard June 2022 

  39. Lichen Walk north of Winskill Stones June 2022

  40. 30 Days Wild 1a. Winskill Stones including Lichens  June 2022

  41. Helbeck Wood SSSi- Lichens, Bluebells and much more with Cumbria Lichens and Bryophytes group    20 May 2022

  42. YNU Mosses Walk from Rawthey Bridge - VC65  (on boundary with Cumbria) -includes lichens at the end 8 May

  43. SD86 - Three year review - 36-SD8366 12 March 2022

    This post has two main aims: 

    1. A three year marker in my lichen survey of SD86

    2. Showing some lichen pictures that I need answers for. 

  44. Ramalina fraxinea near Catrigg Foss seen when Nordic Walking - 12 March

  45. SD86 - 25 - SD8265a - Langcliffe North - Ramalina fraxinea Dec 2021

  46. Kirkstone Pass Lichens Sept 2021
  47. SD86 - 23 - SD8216a -Settle Market - east - Trapelia coarctata 28 May 2021

  48. SD86 - 17 - SD8167- Lecanora rupicola - Stainforth NW - Big white lichen - on exposed faces on ACID ROCK  4 April 2021

  49. SD86 - 19 - SD8169a Xanthoria calcicola- Helwith Bridge 7 March 2021

  50. SD86 - 42 - SD8462a -Black Gill - Xanthoria ucrainica:  1 March 2021

  51. Lichens of Low Bentham Churchyard - SD644692

  52. Chapel le Dale - Peltigera horizontalis and Peltigera praetextata  31 Dec 2020 

  53. SD86 - 20 - SD8260 - Long Preston Moor - Gritstone wall, wooden gate and willow tree lichens  Happy New Year 30 Dec 2020

  54. Settle Wildflowers Day 102: Langcliffe Churchyard Lichens and Wildflowers on Christmas Eve - SD86 - 35  24 Dec.. well actually posted a bit later.

  55. SD86 01b SD8061 - Rathmell - North - Drought 20 May 2020 
  56. May Beck near Whitby - Lichens with the BLS - March 2020 at Cober Hill, Cloughton  March 2020

  57. Lichens at Arniston House BLS 2020

  58. Settle's Top Ten Lichens 1

  59. Caloplaca flavescens 

  60. SD86 -09 - SD8069 - Dry Rigg Quarry - Helwith Bridge
  61. SD86 - 08 - SD8068 - Smearsett Copy - Swarth Moor South 

  62. SD86 -07 - SD8067 - Smearsett Scar - Path to Feizor - cltic Walls - Hidden Valley and more limestone platea

  63. SD86 -06 - SD8066 - Limestone pasture plateau twixt Giggleswick Scar and Little Stainforth -The Pennine Journey Path

  64. SD86 - 05a - SD8065 - Huntworth Common

  65. SD86 - 04 - SD8064 - Above Giggleswick School Chapel - Craven Bank Lane Lichens

  66. SD86 - 03 - SD8063 - Lichens North of Giggleswick Station, along the bypass to Close House

  67. SD86 - 02a - SD8062 - Lichens South of Giggleswick Station

  68. SD86 - 01 - SD8061 - Rathmell - North - Floods - Lichens

  69. SD86 - 00 - SD8060 - Rathmell - Lichens Rule!

  70. Malham Car Park Lichens: Amazing change in 10 years

  71. Lichens at Black Hill Capon Hall & then Victoria Cave 25 Feb

  72. Painshill Lichens with BLS (afternoon) 27 Jan 2019

  73. Painshill Lichens with BLS (morning) 27 Jan 2019

  74.  #LichenJanuary  Jan 2019

  75. Nosterfield Quarry, N Yorks, Fungi and Lichens 13 Oct 2019

  76. Field Skills Training Day at St Chads - Lichens - Insects - and more - by YNU - for Leeds University MSc  Sept 2018

  77. 30 Days Wild - Day 4 - Settle - Castleberg Rock: 4 June 2018

  78. Parmelina pastillifera 23 Dec 2017

  79. NWNU Mosses & Lichens Walk from Penyghent Gill to Slit Cave & Snorkel Cave Nov 2017

  80.  Lichens at Lofthouse - Report of the Moorland Festival Workshop  8 Oct 2017 

  81. Provisional Programme: for Nidderdale Moorland Festival Lichens Workshop 8 October

  82. Lichens at Lofthouse - Workshop and walk for absolute beginners -Exploratory Day Oct 2017

  83. Lecanora dispersa  24 May 2017

  84. Globe Flower/Poppy Wood 2 April 2017

  85. Fountains Fell (26 March)

  86. Lichens of Silurian Greywacke, Stainforth (March 2017)

  87. Aspicilia calcarea (Dec 2016)

  88. Opegrapha gyrocarpa (11 Sept 2016)

  89. Lecanora soralifera 

  90. Psilolechia lucida

  91. Porpidia tuberculosa

  92. Lepraria incana - Dust Lichen 

  93. Physcia tenella

  94. Lecanora gangaleoides

  95. Xanthoria parietina

  96. Squamarina cartilaginea

  97. Acrocordia conoidea

  98. Caloplaca flavovirescens

  99. Arthonia radiata

  100. Lichens at Wallington House, North.d with BLS 21 Jan 16

  101. British Lichen Society AGM at Newcastle. 21 Jan 2016

  102. Beginners Workshop: Top Twenty Lichens of Horton in
    Ribblesdale Churchyard
     (Now long past)

  103. Aye Gill Pike - CCG-VC65 Bot.Surveying 20 Aug 2015

  104. Upcoming Lichens at Ingleton Workshop on 20 June 2015

  105. Upcoming Beginners Lichens at Horton-in-Ribblesdale workshop on 28 March 2015

  106. Lichens of Horton-in-Ribblesdale Churchyard with Mothers Union  16 Oct 2014

  107. Lichens at Wrynose Pass 5 Sept 2014

  108. Eycott Hill, Cumbria Bryologists -& Lichens - March 2014

  109. Lichens of Ingleton Churchyard:  Parts 1 - 7  

  110. Longridge Fell -  NWNU - Bryophytes and Lichens Section Trip 13 April 2013

  111. Algae and Lichens for beginners - Malham to Gordale 2012

  112. Lichen Workshop at Grassington  July 2012

  113. Lichens on location - Booths Supermarket Settle March 2012

  114. Ecology near Yate and Stoke Gifford18 March 2012

  115. Lichens of Malham Tarn House - 2    29 February 2012

  116. Lichens of Malham Tarn House - 1    29 February 2012

  117. Lichens of Malham Tarn Fen - with Allan Pentecost 29 February 2012

  118. Lichens flourescent in bonfire light  5 Nov 2011

  119. Opal Lichens Settle    CCG walk led by myself -  2 April 2011

  120. Algae (and Lichens) for Beginners - Malham Walk with Allan Pentecost August 2009

  121. Lichens Day at Giggleswick Churchyard with Mark Seaward 14 June 2009

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